The activity of the Museum began with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the Maestro Alfonso Frangipane (1970-2020). This is a great figure of scholar, artist, researcher, scholar and art historian, he promoted, through a forward-looking choice, artistic education in our city, founding the Institute of Art and the Artistic Lyceum, today it’s an unique School, He supported the new generations with an education inspired by tradition but he also knew how to look at innovation compared with the languages of modernity.

The Museum offers visitors or groups of visitors (if it’s requested) a guide service thanks to the students of the Liceo Artistico “Preti-Frangipane”, who accompany the guests by providing them with all the information on the art heritage kept inside, also in English. On special occasions the museum is opened also in the afternoon.

  • Revive the dialogue between visitors and museum assets, making the emotional and cognitive process active, indispensable in order to improve the museum visits.
  • Develop knowledge and skills through research and in-depth analysis on issues related to the world of art or to figures of Calabrian artists, with a view to cultural enhancement of the territory supported by dialogue and comparison with other national and international realities.
  • Promote a popular and educational action, by linking the”school teaching” to the Museum, it is conceived and experienced not only as an exhibition space but above all as a place of learning, meeting and exchange between the art system and the school Institution.
  • Overturn the traditional notion of museum, from a place of conservation to a shared space of discovery and research, which guarantees access to culture, breaking down physical, cognitive, psychological and social barriers.
  • Making the museum – a “cultural center” – for the city, promoting narratives and itineraries dedicated to the complexity of the artistic universe, thanks to a program of education for permanent heritage, open to everyone, which stresses the unexpressed and latent needs of culture today’s society, of the Reggio and Calabrian territory.